Monday, August 18, 2008

Bandon, Charleston and heading home

Well gang, We're on the way home from Bandon by the sea. Sorta sad to be heading home but back to the real world as they say.

We spent the last week in Bandon, Oregon at Bullards Beach State Park. It's a wonderful park with lots of things to do in the area.

The Coquille River Lighthouse sits at the entrance to the Bandon harbor and the mouth of the Coquille River. It's part of the state park now and has been restored to perfect condition. It's three miles from the campground and I ran to the lighthouse and back every morning. It's kinda of a "head thing" to run on the beach and arrive at this lighthouse. There are three geocaches (for those of you who know about that stuff) within a half mile of the lighthouse and we found them all.

We visited a wild animal park on Friday and got up close and personal with the cats. Here Kitty Kitty Kitty! What about that, Ella

But...... the best part was getting to play with a
9 week old lioness cub. Look closely and you will see her sitting between us. She was really a sweet cub and at 20 pounds she was only 4 pounds heavier than our kitty, Patches.

Did I fail to mention we have a new "grandbaby"? Here's Sharleen holding the "little darlin". I'm sure you can tell she takes after her grandmother.

On Saturday we drove up to Charleston which is near Coos Bay to attend the seafood festival and visit some of the other state parks in the area.We found a botanical garden with lots of flowers. I'm told we will visit again in the spring for the rhodendon bloom. Oh well, just another trip I guess.

One last look at the magnificent Oregon coast and back to camp to spend Sunday getting ready to head home. The trip has been a great one filled with a variety of fun things from great scenery to visits with loved ones and a number of special experiences. This is the last post for this trip. I don't know if I'll do one for the next trip or not... depends if you all like the blog. Home tomorrow.


Pam said...

Wow...a blog. I am impressed. All these years and I didn't know you had all this hidden talent - wow!

Looks like the trip was great and a lot of fun!

I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Keep it up!

Hal said...

I had fun doing it.... my cousin made me do it so she gets the credit.
Hope all is well with you. Talk with you soon.