Monday, December 2, 2013

On the road home

After nearly 6 months traveling these great United States of America ( we hit 28 states and 5 Canadian Provinces) we are now on our way home. We spent Thanksgiving with my cousin, Jane and her husband Fred, in Houston. The weather was lousy but the company great so we had a good time except for a little flu bug but it was still great.

Just so you all can see that we are still in one piece here is what we look like in Gila Bend, Arizona. We are planning to be home in two days and then the fun starts. It'll take us a few days to get settled again and get things running smoothly again.

To all who have followed us on this incredible journey we'd like to say "thank you" for taking a interest in what we were doing. It has been a truly remarkable journey and one we will relive many times. This is a wonderful land we inhabit and we were blessed to see so much of it.
Merry Christmas and have a Happy 2014!