Friday, September 4, 2009

Grayland Beach, Washington

Grayland Beach State Park is one of our favorites for a number of reasons....

First, the campsites are large and separated so you can sit outside and enjoy the camp in relative privacy.

Second, the beach is close and it's level so it offers a great place to walk or run. I ran the beach every morning and we walked for three miles in the afternoon. We collected some 40 sand dollar shells.... treasures to bring home.... now what do we do with them?

Then there's the Westport lighthouse.... a really neat place if you like that sort of thing.... and we do!

And last, the town of Westport.... a great working fishing village.... not a tourist trap. We walked the front street and bought Ahi Tuna from one of the boats on the dock. It's sushi mi grade and is great seared on the grill. We also ate fresh silver Salmon and oysters from the Brady oyster farm close by. Guess we over did the fresh seafood a little.... time for a steak now...... but when there we needed to take advantage of the local food.

On the Second of September we bid farewell to Grayland till next time and headed for Issaquah, Washington about 15 miles East of Seattle to visit Kris. I'll do another post before we head East again on the 8th of September.

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