Thursday, November 3, 2011

Milford Sound

We departed Te Anau at around 8:00am on a day long tour taking us to Milford Sound some 120km away. The day was cold and wet and the forecast was for snow over the pass into Milford. And.... the weather forecast was correct! We made the trip over the 4500 foot pass with some snow by 10:30am and boarded a boat for a two and a half hour sail on the sound.

Milford Sound is actually a Fjord carved by glaciers millions of years ago. The Fjord has vertical walls and is open to the sea. The Fjord is spectacular and there was something amazing around each bend.

This is a video of  Milford Sound just for Carrie..... just hit the triangle and it will play. As you can see the day was stormy with wind, snow and at times hail. But the beauty that's Milford Sound is undeterred..... What a day!

The foul weather had some advantages...... the waterfalls were spectacular. If the day is clear and sunny the falls have little water. Today, with the storm, the falls were all just gushing with water.
The two and a half hours went by in a heartbeat and too soon we were back at the dock and heading back over the pass.

I decided to include another video for Carrie. The falls were just awesome and in this short clip you can see the wind blowing the water back up the rock face.

We stopped near the top to play in the snow. This is our little van that Steve, our driver, used to get us there and back. Snow balls were the order of the afternoon.

One more stop on the way home for a short walk.
Steve stopped the van at a nature walk and we took a 45 minute walk in a rain forest. The snow on the moss made the area spectacular and we didn't mind the snow and cold as we looked around at this beautiful place. Back in the van we completed our 8 hour trek and guess what? It's snowing in Te Anau as I write this.

We have tomorrow in Te Anau and will take a look at some caves on the other side of the lake. More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Thanks for the two videos! Was it supposed to snow when you were there?