Friday, August 16, 2013

Another day in Montreal

For the second day we jumped in the truck and headed to the Metro station for the trip into Montreal. Today we headed for the Montreal Botanical Gardens which are located next to the Olympic stadium built for the 1976 summer Olympics.

The Montreal Botanical Gardens is one of the jewels of the city with areas of different plants and flowers. This year, after 13 years, Montreal once again hosts the Mosaicultures Internationales  competition. 20 countries from around the world have sponsored artists who sculpt in live plants.

This sculpture is called Spirits of the Forest and is sponsored by Canada. It depicts the spirits that live in the forest and is comprised of several different sculptures.

This sculpture is also sponsored by Canada and is called Mother Earth. She rises from the ground with flowers in her hair. It's hard to believe that the entire sculpture is made of plants and flowers that are living.

This sculpture is titled "Planting Plane Trees to attract the Phoenix" and comes from China The inspiration for the work comes from the ancient Chinese legend of the Phoenix which by legend is the bearer of happiness and a symbol of peace and harmony.

This work comes from Spain and is titled "The Salamander according to Gaudi"
I included it because I thought it was unique although smaller than some of the more impressive works.

A couple of other interesting facts. The sculptures were planted in April of this  year and the exhibit will run through September weather permitting. The entire show is called "land of Hope" and is one of a kind.
300 horticulturists were involved with this project as well as landscape architects, visual designers, artistic welders, painters and a host of other workers. We were indeed fortunate to be able to see this amazing work of art.

This looks pretty mundane after the sculptures but I had to include a picture of what was the 1976  Olympic stadium. It's an impressive structure in it's own right.
Tomorrow it's off to Quebec and more exploring. More from there.

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