Friday, September 6, 2013


OK... I got the Internet access fixed... sometimes it only takes a little money and the issue goes away. Funny how that happens.
Today was a Plymouth day. So here goes!

The day was the exact opposite of yesterday. Today was clear and mild....perfect for walking the town of Plymouth. The harbor was calm and with the sun out it was a sight.

While at the harbor we toured the Mayflower II. It's an exact replica of the original but was built in 1955. They used the same construction methods and materials as the original. The size was the impressive thing to me. It's so small....just 100 feet long and with no creature comforts for the passengers. It was just a cargo ship they contracted for. 102 people plus crew for 66 days! I'd rather take a Boeing 777 any day!

This is the first street that was built when they settled in 1620. Of course the houses are not original but this is what New England is supposed to look like.

Everyone has to go look at Plymouth rock. A bit disappointing after all I have heard about it. Small and in a hole under a stone canopy. But..... we saw it and understand the history so check that off the bucket list!

I wish I could put all the pictures I took today on the blog but that would take a long time so here's one last look at the harbor. Plymouth is truly what I think of when I think of a New England town. We really enjoyed the day here.

Tomorrow we head to Boston for the day so more tomorrow night.

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