Monday, August 4, 2008

Point Defiance

We spent the last two days touring the Gig Harbor/ Tacoma area and yesterday we went to Pt Defiance park. It's a large park on the North side of Tacoma with a Zoo, Aquarium and lovely gardens. Kris joined us for the weekend with her camera and she took lots of photos. The flowers were beautiful and the park was great.

The flowers brought beautiful colors to the park

A five mile drive within the park provided spectacular views of lower Puget Sound and Vashon Island

One last stop at Gig Harbor before we went back to the RV Park and put our feet up.

This morning Mt. Rainier showed its majestic form east of Gig Harbor. If you look closely you can see it's snow covered peak rising above the hills in the middle of the picture.
Tomorrow it's off to Grayland state beach on the Washington coast.

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